GSBS Career Outcomes

To help all applicants and others interested in our graduate programs, we have summarized information of the careers that are being pursued by the 547 PhD and MD/PhD graduates from the biomedical PhD programs of the Basic Science Division that are currently accepting students. 

Because the Genetics, Molecular & Cellular Biology program admitted its first class in September of 2023, following the merger of two previously existing programs, Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology (CMDB) and Genetics, we include information on completion statistics for all students who were originally in the parent programs. All individuals who completed their PhD degree from 2000 to the present are included. Students who This information is updated annually.


Type of PositionPercentage of Graduates
Biotech/Pharma Research29.8%
Academic Research Faculty12.1%
Biotech/Pharma Business Support & Development9.9%
Academic Postdoc Training5.1%
Academic Teaching Faculty4.9%
Private Clinical Practice4.4%
Residency/Fellowship Training4.4%
Academic Research Staff3.7%
Academic Clinical Faculty1.8%
Academic Admin Staff1.6%
Education & Outreach1.6%
Clinical Support0.7%
Additional Higher Education0.2%
Non-Science Careers1.5%
Not in the Labor Force4.6%


  • Biotech/Pharma Research - Individuals who lead research teams or actively conduct discovery research
  • Academic Research Faculty - Faculty at institutions of higher education who conduct discovery research as a significant portion of their activity
  • Biotech/Pharma Business Support & Development -  Individuals in business development, product development, administration, clinical research management, manufacturing oversight, and similar careers
  • Academic Postdoc Training - Individuals pursuing postdoctoral training at institutions of higher education
  • Academic Teaching Faculty - Faculty at institutions of higher education whose primary role is teaching
  • Private Clinical Practice - Individuals with a clinical degree in addition to the PhD whose primary function is treating patients
  • Residency/Fellowship Training - Individuals (predominantly MD/PhD graduates) in residency or fellowship training
  • Academic Research Staff - Individuals conducting laboratory research in a staff role such as staff scientist or research associate at an institution of higher education
  • Communication - Individuals engaged in science writing, editing or other forms of media
  • Consulting - Individuals working for consulting firms that support the science enterprise
  • IP/Law - Individuals involved in technology transfer, patent law or other aspects of law
  • Academic Clinical Faculty - 
  • Academic Admin Staff - Individuals at an institution of higher education who support the academic mission in a staff role
  • Education & Outreach - Individuals working in the primary or secondary education field
  • Government - Individuals working for a government agency such as the NIH, FDA, or others who conduct or support research
  • Clinical Support - Individuals at a medical facility who direct or provide clinical laboratory support related to patient care
  • Finance - Individuals working in the banking industry
  • Non-profit - Individuals working at nonprofit organizations such as NGOs or others that support biomedical science
  • Additional Higher Education - Individuals pursuing an additional higher education degree after their GSBS degree
  • Non-science Careers - Individuals pursuing careers not involving science
  • Not in the Labor Force - Individuals who are not in the labor force
  • Unknown -  Individuals for whom current information is unavailable